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Лого Wolfenstein 3D Touch

Wolfenstein 3D Touch

20 October 2013 |  DROIDOFF


Отлчиный порт Wolfenstein на андроид.

Port of the awesome ECWolf!

This app is completely free. There is a list of our other apps on the launch screen, consider purchasing any of these to support future development There are no adverts.

It features the best highly customisable controls available for any FPS.

Fully customize touch screen controls:
*Move all game buttons
*Analog move and strafe
*Resize all game buttons
*Change sensitivity for all analog inputs
*Mouse mode or Joystick mode to turn
*Optional double tap to Jump/Shoot
*Change controls transparency
*Map volume buttons to any game action

Gamepad support - customize all inputs and buttons, invert and change sensitivity.
Confirmed to work with (so far):
* XBOX 360 wired controller
* Moga Pro
* Moga Pocket
* Snakebyte
* Nyko Playpad
* Sony PS3 controller with the Sixaxis app.
It should work with most controllers, let me know if it works with yours!


КЭШ кидать в: корень карты памяти, тоисть в sdcard/

Android 3.1 and above

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