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NASA presented a concept aircraft for Mars with the ability to take off vertically

24 March 2024 |  DROIDOFF

NASA has unveiled a "vertical" aircraft concept for use on Mars. The vehicle is being developed for exploration missions to the Red Planet, where vertical takeoff is critical due to the rocky and cratered terrain.



The project is called MAGGIE (Mars Aerial and Ground Intelligent Explorer), and is being developed by Coflow Jet. MAGGIE's twin wings are designed to produce higher lift than aircraft used on Earth.



The ability to land anywhere NASA is interested is due to the flexibility of the wings, which can bend at an angle of 90 degrees to generate lift and vertical takeoff. The wingspan of this aircraft is 7.85 meters.

However, to implement this concept, NASA engineers will have to overcome several problems. The air density on Mars is only about one percent of that on Earth, making it difficult to generate the necessary lift for flight.

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