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Лого Cube Escape: The Lake

Cube Escape: The Lake

10 November 2015 |  DROIDOFF


Cube Escape: The Lake - Вы нашли заброшенное помещение на маленьком острове. Единственное что Вы там можете найти это рыболовные снасти, нож...

You've found an abandoned cabin on a small Island at Rusty Lake. The only thing you can find is some fishing gear, a knive and a crow bar. Escape the prison!

Start exploring and let's fish! Perhaps you can change your fate...

Tap on the arrows to navigate inside the cabin.
Interact with objects by tapping. Select found items in your inventory and tap somewhere on screen to use them.



Cube Escape: The Lake is the second episode of the Cube Escape series and the story of Rusty Lake. We will unfold Rusty Lakes one step at a time. So check every day for new content!

Android 2.3 and above

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