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Лого Brain Doctor - Kids Game

Brain Doctor - Kids Game

20 April 2015 |  DROIDOFF


Brain Doctor - Kids Game - инновационная концепция игр для детей. Аркадный симулятор хирурга.

Лечите головной мозг от паразитов, травм и болезней. В игре доступно все необходимое оборудование. Делайте уколы, кладите швы, промывайте, прокапывайте и дезинфицируйте человеческий мозг. Логическая последовательность лечения определенной проблемы.

Brain Doctor - Kids Games, really innovative concept game for kids. Your children will surly love this game. Give different brain surgery treatment to different patients with the use of lots of medical equipment.



This Is a fun and informative + educational game for kids. Its provide many functionality and many tools for play like:

- Heartbeat Checking;
- Stethoscope;
- Thermometer;
- Blood Pressure;
- Shock;
- Water Spray;
- Dryer;
- Vacuum;
- Injection;
- Cotton;
- Dropper;
- Banded;
- X-Ray;
- Germs Remover;
- Fork Remover;
- Medicine ;
- Plaster.

Using the above tools you can solve the patient problems & injury and you can help and get doctoring knowledge and fun for kids.

Android 2.3 and above

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