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Лого Yin Yang BANG BANG


20 March 2015 |  DROIDOFF


Yin Yang BANG BANG - уникальная в своем жанре... поглощаем цвета объектов.

Yin Yang BANG BANG! is a challenging yet simple, two handed game. You play as the dots of a Yin Yang symbol on your quest to get as big as possible! You must absorb same color objects and avoid opposite color objects. The goal is to get as big and last as long as you can! But as you control your character with one hand you can use the other hand to tap any object to change their color. As you absorb more you will add leaves to trees in the Penjing Tree Room (Penjing is similar to Bosnia).

This two handed high accuracy game play is quite unique in the mobile marketplace, as is the inked visual art style. This game will not have any in app purchases (IAP) so that everyone is on a level playing field. So if someone beats your score, no excuses!



- The most... balanced game you will ever play :P
- Endless level design!
- Skill alone will get you to the top, not money!
- Unique black and white ascetic!
- Ultimate coordination test!
- Penjing Tree Growing system!
- Fast paced action, and calm meditative areas!

Android 2.3 and above

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