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Лого Midnight Drift

Midnight Drift

24 October 2014 |  DROIDOFF


Midnight Drift - Вы нашли великолепное место для дрифтинга. Теперь пришло время завести двигатель и нажать на педаль газа.

You found a great place for drifting. Now start your engine and push the throttle very hard.

Your car is very powerful and tuned for drifting. You should follow the rings to on your way to reach to the finish line.

You are going to win if you can pass your previous records. Your competitor is a ghost car and driver is you. You are going to race against you.



This is the best chance of you to improve your driving skills. There are 6 different tracks defined in the game and you have 60 seconds to complete each track.

Be hurry! It's time for drifting.

Android 2.3 and above

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