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Лого BooYaa Jack

BooYaa Jack

20 September 2014 |  AMEPOH


Вы можете играть в эту игру с друзьями, сидя рядом с вами или соревноваться с друзьями на другой стороне земного шара.

Is a fun interactive multi-player drinking game. You can play this game with friends sitting beside you or compete with friends on the other side of the world. Play with you favorite beverage, while playing answer you will be answering skill testing questions or test your agility with speed test plus, much more.

BooYaa Jack allows you to create you own players groups or play solo. You can login the game through face book to invite friends or login via email to play with select friends in our buddy list. The game play is up to you, so grab a drink and get your game on and see you inside.

Android 2.2 and above

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