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Лого 3 Senses Metronome Pro

3 Senses Metronome Pro

30 August 2014 |  AMEPOH


Pro Version : Make your own Rythm

Animations with nice graphics, sounds and vibrations in only one metronome!

Metronome with 3 senses : Touch, Hearing, and Sight

- 1 classic sinus soundpack and 3 drums kit soundpacks

- 3 different nice animated views :
- Analog : like an analog clock with a needle showing where you are in the measure
- Grid : a grid with notes on rows and subdivisions on columns
- Table : discs as notes and sectors of each disc as subdivisions

- Vibrations mode

- Tempo up to 300 bpm as a quarter note and 8 subdivisions (32nd note) for each quarter note

Android 2.2 and above

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