Лого King Soldiers

King Soldiers

4 March 2016 |  DROIDOFF


King Soldiers - помогите герою сражаться с множеством врагов на интересных уровнях, переполненных разничными препятствиями. В игре присутствует приятная графика, удобное управление, множество персонажей и очень много врагов.

King soldiers - help the hero fight many enemies on interesting levels full of various obstacles. Help the heroes of this dynamic game for Android defeat cunning villains, enemy soldiers, and other enemies. Move your hero through the levels. Make the hero jump onto platforms, traps, and overcome various obstacles. Each character has unique weapons like assault rifles, shotguns, powerful rocket launchers, and so on.

Game features:
- Colorful graphics;
- Simple controls;
- Different characters;
- Many enemies.

Android 2.3 and above

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