Лого Cradle of Empires

Cradle of Empires

14 June 2016 |  DROIDOFF


Когда кажется, что скуке от однообразных головоломок нет предела, помочь может только одна игра – Cradle of Empires!

Стань Избранным и помоги древним цивилизациям восстать из руин в самой разносторонней головоломке в жанре «три-в-ряд». Проходи уровни. Собирай ресурсы, древние артефакты и магические амулеты. Восстанавливай древние города и целые цивилизации. Помогай жителям, проходя их задания. И многое-многое другое. При поддержке Нимиру снимите проклятье Амруна. Станьте ключом к победе добра над злом!




● Уникальный игровой микс: Головоломки, приключения и строительство города в одном флаконе.
● Невероятное приключение: Неожиданные сюжетные повороты, захватывающие квесты и интересные персонажи – это самая «приключенческая» головоломка, в которую вам доводилось играть.
● Строительство древних городов: Собирая и накапливая ресурсы, шаг за шагом восстанавливайте древние города и целые цивилизации.
● Разнообразие режимов: Вас ждут целых 6 игровых режимов, которые не дадут заскучать.
● Множество бонусов: Вам будут доступны древние заклинания, амулеты, коллекции артефактов и многое другое – найдите собственную стратегию.
● Регулярные обновления: Новые постройки, задания, бонусы, коллекции и целые цивилизации в каждом обновлении.

Android 4.1 and above

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AMEPOH Wed, 06/03/2019 - 16:24
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Group: Users
3Q Q-pad RC0806B

Cradle of Empires v.5.6.5

Что нового:
- Nimiru has decided to hold the Spring Festival in the city! The event will start on March 5.
- The Genie won't keep you waiting for long and will make two appearances in our city! His challenges will begin on March 16 and 29.
- Are you ready to embrace a new adventure? The Portal of Worlds will present you with such an opportunity on March 21!
- Good news: the Firefly Dance and Treasures of the Ancients events will start soon, and you'll be able to take part in both!

author AMEPOH Wed, 06/03/2019 - 16:24

Cradle of Empires v.5.6.5

Что нового:
- Nimiru has decided to hold the Spring Festival in the city! The event will start on March 5.
- The Genie won't keep you waiting for long and will make two appearances in our city! His challenges will begin on March 16 and 29.
- Are you ready to embrace a new adventure? The Portal of Worlds will present you with such an opportunity on March 21!
- Good news: the Firefly Dance and Treasures of the Ancients events will start soon, and you'll be able to take part in both!

AMEPOH Fri, 29/03/2019 - 17:28
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Group: Users
3Q Q-pad RC0806B

Cradle of Empires v.5.7.0

Что нового:
- Improved in-game dialogues. Don’t miss important information about new mechanics and obstacles!
- Optimized the gifting dialogue. Your friends will always be in touch!
- Fixed bugs and made improvements. Your game will play even more smoothly.

author AMEPOH Fri, 29/03/2019 - 17:28

Cradle of Empires v.5.7.0

Что нового:
- Improved in-game dialogues. Don’t miss important information about new mechanics and obstacles!
- Optimized the gifting dialogue. Your friends will always be in touch!
- Fixed bugs and made improvements. Your game will play even more smoothly.

AMEPOH Mon, 15/04/2019 - 17:13
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Group: Users
3Q Q-pad RC0806B

Cradle of Empires v.5.7.6

Что нового:
- Nimiru will tell you the legend of the Easter bunny, which will be revealed over the course of 40 levels.
- Fireflies have returned to the city!
- A new unique mechanic will allow you to step into the shoes of a real wood carver!
- The entrance to the portal will open on April 22, ready to take you to the most exciting worlds!
- Tabia isn't sitting around – she is coming up with new jewelry design ideas all the time.
- The Genie will return with new trials to the city on April 10.

author AMEPOH Mon, 15/04/2019 - 17:13

Cradle of Empires v.5.7.6

Что нового:
- Nimiru will tell you the legend of the Easter bunny, which will be revealed over the course of 40 levels.
- Fireflies have returned to the city!
- A new unique mechanic will allow you to step into the shoes of a real wood carver!
- The entrance to the portal will open on April 22, ready to take you to the most exciting worlds!
- Tabia isn't sitting around – she is coming up with new jewelry design ideas all the time.
- The Genie will return with new trials to the city on April 10.

AMEPOH Sat, 25/07/2020 - 15:52
user avatar
Group: Users
3Q Q-pad RC0806B

Cradle of Empires v.6.4.6

Что нового:
- You do not need to return to the city if the necessary item was not found in the building! It is now possible to quickly restart the level directly from the rewards dialogue screen.
- The appearance of plot dialogue boxes has been improved, which will make it easier to keep track of fascinating stories! Also, check out Sheriti and the Tradeswoman's new appearance!
- The game has become even brighter, with updated animations in the city!

author AMEPOH Sat, 25/07/2020 - 15:52

Cradle of Empires v.6.4.6

Что нового:
- You do not need to return to the city if the necessary item was not found in the building! It is now possible to quickly restart the level directly from the rewards dialogue screen.
- The appearance of plot dialogue boxes has been improved, which will make it easier to keep track of fascinating stories! Also, check out Sheriti and the Tradeswoman's new appearance!
- The game has become even brighter, with updated animations in the city!

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