Лого AsigmaD


24 October 2014 |  DROIDOFF


AsigmaD - думаете легко можете набрать 10 очков? А вы попробуйте. Несколько вариаций игры, разные уровни сложности, общая таблица очков и ачивки не дадут заскучать.

Our game allowes you to break a record of other players in the different game modes with different ways to show what you really worth. There are several modes: Classic, Survival and Random. Classic mode is as usual - nothing more. In survival you have to be skilled in order to survive - it's obvious. Random is mostly classic but with its own characteristics.

Also, you will be able to choose a difficulty on your own taste. You'll not be bored with three different modes.

A lot of people already tried themselves in AsigmaD, but just a few could gane at least 20 points! It looks easy, but when you'll try you will realize that it's not as easy as you thought :)
We gave you an opportunity to see the records of your friends and colleagues. Always be aware of who is better and know how many points you need to collect to show that you are the best one! Enjoy the game.

Android 2.3 and above

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