Лого GameKiller


1 November 2012 |  DROIDOFF


Not the first programme of this kind (third), apparently hackers of games for android are trying to create a lot of spare "tracks".
Searches quickly, however as well as all android-hack programs. But in terms of hacking "strong" games heroic qualities did not show (PewPew2 and does not hack).
From the features:
1. Call with an icon that can be dragged;
2. You can pause the game;
3. You can choose between open applications (which one you want to hack);
4. Search for values with a "-" sign;
5. Offline instructions and help;
6. All sorts of search customisations;
7. Search by value type (4 bytes, 2 bytes, 1 byte, float).

Android 1.6 and above

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