
Лого Space RPG

Space RPG

21 листопада 2013 |  DROIDOFF


2D леталка. Летаем, торгуем, отстреливаем врагов, выполняем задания...


- A sprawling universe with over 40 star systems to explore;
- Dozens of ship types, weapons and upgrades;
- Beautiful space themed artwork;
- Exciting space battle action! Fight pirates, aliens, and more!
- Main campaign story and a variety of secret side missions;
- No Ads!

Space RPG features excellent role playing adventure action. Do you want to get rich on the trade routes? Pirate goods from other ships? Follow the main story? Go off, do side missions, and explore? The choice is yours! Inspired by the classic Escape Velocity series, Space RPG will keep you entertained for hours!

Explore new systems, and trade commodities to earn credits! Can you figure out the best trade routes?

Spend your credits on new ships, weapons, and upgrades! Which style of ship suits you best - Cargo ship? Warship? Slow and sturdy or quick and agile? Will you use all your slots for upgrades or max out your weapons? So many options! .... how will you choose to play?

Exciting real time space combat! You hyperjump into a system and the alarm goes off - Aliens!! The Government Navy is fighting back but an alien cruiser is heading your way.... its time to see what your weapons can do!

First contact was a disaster, conflicts on the border are increasing! Take on missions, join the Government Navy and defend humanity! A number of secret side missions will also help sate your desire for more!

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