
Лого Wonder Heroes

Wonder Heroes

7 березня 2016 |  DROIDOFF


Wonder Heroes - отправляйтесь в увлекательное приключение в фантастическом мире Acranite. Множество врагов, попадающихся на Вашем пути, не дадут Вам расслабиться.

Take on a real adventure into the fantasy world of Acranite!
The Triple Heroes await!

[Game Features]

▣ Classic arcade vertical scrolling shooter inspired gameplay
- Control 3 heroes at once!
- Dodge enemy projectiles and shoot!

▣ Characters with different roles
- Place the tanker in the front and range dps in the back!
- Characters have variety of unique skills that make more strategic gameplay!

▣ Monsters and traps with variety of skills and effects
- Monsters that does AoE damage;
- Monsters casting chain of lighting that chains to other monsters;
- Slime monsters that divides themselves into smaller ones when they die;
- Skeleton monsters that wakes up when touched by player;
- A giant rock trap that activates when touched by player;
- Lots of others.

▣ Battle with giant boss monsters
- Learn the distinct battle pattern of boss monsters to fight against them!
- The boss battle has phases with difficulty rising after each phase!

# This game also supports tablets.

Android 2.3.3 і вище

Ваша оцінка: Жодного Середня: 5 (1 голос)

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