
Лого Maze Galaxy

Maze Galaxy

12 листопада 2015 |  DROIDOFF


Maze Galaxy - игра содержит несколько галактик, каждая из которых находятся 3D планеты-лабиринты с различными уровнями. Собирайте звезды, чтобы открыть новые шарики.

Are you tired of endless games that getting to the end of them seems impossible?
Do you want a game that you can actually finish, explore every corner of it and at the end see the credits?
Collect items and feel like you actually own them?



Maze Galaxy is a game made up of a number of galaxies, each galaxy contain 3D maze planets with various challenges. Collect Star Dust for getting new rolling balls. Find uniquely designed artifacts. And for those who enjoy extra challenge, Maze Galaxy provides time attack challenges for each planet.

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Android 2.3 і вище

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