
Лого ThinKill Puzzle Game

ThinKill Puzzle Game

9 липня 2015 |  DROIDOFF


ThinKill Puzzle Game - комбинируй, перемещай и разрушай объекты на своем пути, чтобы таким образом убить самого себя. Эта игра не похожа ни на одну другую. Ваша главная цель умереть, быть убитыми.

Combine, move, and destroy objects to find ways to kill yourself. This game is different than most other games. Its main objective is to die, to get killed.
This game will take you through over 150 different and unique levels, plus a 10 level tutorial to show you the basics. This game makes you think and trains your brain while having fun at the same time.
Performance is well optimized for android devices.
The Premium Edition features:
- Unlockable achievements that allow you to skip levels;
- Lots of levels;
- Singleplayer only;
- Fully playable without internet connection (Offline);
- Addicting gameplay;
- Different game idea;
- Simple graphic with good and fast performance;
- Auto saves;
- Changeable player skins;
- Different and epic background music tracks;
- Modern GUI;
- A tutorial;
- And much much more.



Supported resolutions are landscapes from 480x320 and higher.
This game can be played in a 3D and in an orthographic perspective and auto saves at level start.
The more levels you pass, the more difficult it will be the next one. Some levels are even very hard to pass, so you`ll have to think and combine a lot.
It is highly recommended to test the free DEMO of this game first. Please make sure only to buy this game if you like it and if you think you are clever enough to pass the levels So if you would like to test the first 35 levels of this game before buying, check out the free DEMO. (now available)
Remember that every level has a solution, even when it seems impossible. So don’t give up, try, learn from your mistakes and beat this game!
If you want a new kind of game, a new game idea, a new concept, new ways of playing games, and the most important thing, if you are able and willing to sit for quite a long time on the same level to find the solution, then this might be the right game for you. Again, make sure to check out the fully free DEMO with no adds first.
This game was made by me with Unity3d and it’s provided assets from the asset store.
If you liked this game and want to support me in making more games, please give a short feedback and rate this game.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Thank you! And have fun.

Supported resolutions are landscapes from 480x320 and higher.

Android 2.3 і вище

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