
Лого Years in Light

Years in Light

20 березня 2015 |  DROIDOFF


Years in Light - занимательная игрушка.

In the far distant future. A ship is on the hunt for a planet to call home, humanity's last hope. Your target, as captain of the ship, is to survive for as long as possible. To your aid you have the ship's laser cannon, but be aware, your resources are finite and every shot will cost you...

No adds, no in app purchase, no social media fluff
Games like they should be.



Years in light is an arcade game from Tonk Games. It has a retro feel and old school, oldskool even, vibe where you shoot asteroids and rocks in space. Aim for the highest highscore and for the stars.

Android 2.3.3 і вище

Ваша оцінка: Жодного Середня: 5 (1 голос)

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