
Лого Mystery Madness

Mystery Madness

3 листопада 2014 |  DROIDOFF


Mystery Madness - просто хорошая логическая игра на андроид.

Mystery Madness is a storytelling game where players have to uncover the truth behind a scenario told by the game master. Players ask simple questions and have to understand all of the story's intricacies. Most stories involve either a twisted scenarios and/or a dark sense of humor. Prepare yourself for hours of fun with your friends with the exclusive 44 intriguing stories bundled within the base application.



• 44 stories with the base game;
• Clues to be unlocked by performing challenges;
• Unique artwork for each story;
• Good times with friends (friends not included).

Android 3.0 і вище

Ваша оцінка: Жодного Середня: 5 (1 голос)

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