
Лого Risen Dead

Risen Dead

25 травня 2014 |  AMEPOH


Risen Dead - 2040 год, мир пережил эпидемию чумы.

The year is 2040 and the world has endured a virus outbreak plague apocalypse, in turn leading it to become overrun by the walking dead or as we like to call them - Zombies! There is no escape but a endless battle awaits. As one of the lone survivor's of the American army, it's up to you to battle legions of the walking dead in a never ending fight for survival! How many can you kill and how long can you hold out for?

Loads of fun for all ages and anyone who likes a challenge.


*Amazing graphics and realistic sounds;
*No performance issues on older devices;
*No adverts or In-App purchases needed;
*No awkward mobile controls;
*Quick shooting included;
*Surprise Fat **** Zombie.

Android 2.3 і вище

Ваша оцінка: Жодного Середня: 5 (1 голос)

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