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Лого Kick the Buddy

Kick the Buddy

18 June 2022 |  DROIDOFF


Explode, destroy, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, crash, freeze, throw, send the power of the Gods and don't even think about stopping. Now you have an almost limitless arsenal: rockets, grenades, automatic rifles and even a nuclear bomb!
Introducing Kick the Buddy - it's more than just a relaxing game, it's more than a stress game. It is the ultimate interactive action game. Among all the stress relief games, Kick the Buddy is a relaxing game where you can slap the doll and forget about your anger. It is a fun game to play when you are bored.
Do you want to defeat a boss or maybe slap a rag doll?
Do you want to smash everything around you in this destructive game?
Do you want more hits?
Even if you are a relatively calm person, at some point you need to relax in stressful games like ours.

Android 5.1 and above

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