Лого Transformers: Earth Wars Beta

Transformers: Earth Wars Beta

3 листопада 2015 |  AMEPOH


Соберите непобедимую команду легендарных Трансформеров включая Оптимуса Прайма, Мегатрона, Би и многих других. Чью сторону вы выберите, десептиконы или автоботы? Постройте неприступную базу. Ведите войну против противоположной фракции, победив других игроков и совершайте рейды для пополнения своих ресурсов.

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Ваша оцінка: Жодного Середня: 3.7 (6 оцінювань)

AMEPOH Сб, 10/10/2020 - 15:57
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Група: Користувачі
3Q Q-pad RC0806B

Transformers: Earth Wars v. [Mod]

Что нового:
Battle-Masters, Micro-Masters and other mini-bots are coming soon in the game!

Introducing Ravage and Nightstalker, Firedrive and Blowpipe, Pteraxadon and Terror-daxtyl and Flak and Cratermaker with many others soon to follow.

With the introduction of the new C.O.M.B.A.T. system you can use these new bots to change the weapons of your Characters and make them more powerful than ever!

- Modify the offensive release skill, the energy consumption is 0!

author AMEPOH Сб, 10/10/2020 - 15:57

Transformers: Earth Wars v. [Mod]

Что нового:
Battle-Masters, Micro-Masters and other mini-bots are coming soon in the game!

Introducing Ravage and Nightstalker, Firedrive and Blowpipe, Pteraxadon and Terror-daxtyl and Flak and Cratermaker with many others soon to follow.

With the introduction of the new C.O.M.B.A.T. system you can use these new bots to change the weapons of your Characters and make them more powerful than ever!

- Modify the offensive release skill, the energy consumption is 0!

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