Лого Tangle Master 3D

Tangle Master 3D

5 січня 2021 |  AMEPOH


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Android 4.4 and above

Ваша оцінка: Жодного Середня: 5 (1 голос)

AMEPOH Вт, 05/01/2021 - 12:22
user avatar
Група: Користувачі
3Q Q-pad RC0806B

Tangle Master 3D v.15.7.0

Что нового:
Tangle bells, tangle bells, TANGLE ALL THE WAY!

This version includes:
Christmas special event: TANGLE ALL THE WAY!
- Join the event
- Beat 10 Levels
- Win exclusive rewards

Be sure you update to the latest version, don't miss out on new contents!

author AMEPOH Вт, 05/01/2021 - 12:22

Tangle Master 3D v.15.7.0

Что нового:
Tangle bells, tangle bells, TANGLE ALL THE WAY!

This version includes:
Christmas special event: TANGLE ALL THE WAY!
- Join the event
- Beat 10 Levels
- Win exclusive rewards

Be sure you update to the latest version, don't miss out on new contents!

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