Лого SpyCube


24 вересня 2014 |  DROIDOFF


SpyCube - логическая игра, в которой мы играем в роли шпиона.

SpyCube is the infiltration action puzzle game for finding the exit. But there are various devices and enemies that you have to avoid. For example, turn off the switch in order to disable CCTV, move on the rotating ground and wait in the hole until you are safe.

Find the all exit that we prepared. Good Luck!




- Simple and convenient dynamic joystick;
- Various object including switch and moving ground so on;
- It's free! Advertisement at bottom only. No in-app purchase at this time. :)

Android 2.3 і вище

Ваша оцінка: Жодного Середня: 5 (1 голос)

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