Лого The Gordian Knot

The Gordian Knot

1 квітня 2015 |  DROIDOFF


The Gordian Knot - 2D платформер на андроид в ретро-стиле.

The Gordian Knot is a retro mobile 2D puzzle-platformer. It is designed for casual gamers that enjoy solving puzzles and old-school platforming.

The game is unique in the genre as there is no player death and all objects and creatures in the game serve to provide puzzle type challenges to the player as opposed to a death/restart level treadmill. It attempts to focus on what is fun about the genre.



- Retro 2D Platforming;
- Item Combination Puzzles;
- Enigmatic Storyline;
- Casual Gameplay (no death);
- Smooth Pixel Graphics;
- Original Ambient Soundtrack.

Шлях для кешу:

Android 3.0 і вище

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