Лого 8-Bit RPG Creator

8-Bit RPG Creator

17 березня 2014 |  DROIDOFF


Создавайте RPG на андроид прямо со смартфона или планшета.

Snap together your own classic rpg within minutes! Put together your own enemies and NPC's using 90 body parts and over 10,000,000 possible character combinations! Build your own customized weapons and weapon shops; draw your own overworld maps using tiles for grass, snow, sand, stone and lava; and interlink as many overworld maps as you want for almost unlimited gameplay possibilities! (NOTE: This program is for entertainment purposes only and is not for professional game development.) Highlights include: -Make unlimited games! -Switch between edit and play modes at the click of a button! -Go back and tweak enemies and maps in seconds! -50 character and weapon slots per game! -Choose between 8 unique heroes! Start by clicking an empty game slot that says "empty". You will then be prompted to name your game. Be sure to name your game using letters, numbers, and spaces only! Not giving your game a proper name will prevent it from saving properly!

Android 2.2 і вище

Ваша оцінка: Жодного Середня: 4.3 (3 голосів)

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