Neutron Music Player

3 березня 2018 |
Нейтрон - профессиональный музыкальный плеер для меломанов с надёжным, 32/64-битным, платформо и ОС независимым звуковым движком, который обеспечивает наилучшее качество звука Hi-Fi уровня на вашем Android устройстве.
Нейтрон обладает уникальной реализацией ЦОС (DSP) эффектов, которые вы больше нигде не найдете.
Он может считывать музыкальные файлы из внутреннего хранилища устройства (включая SD), или сетевых источников (SMB/CIFS, UPnP/DLNA, FTP, WebDAV) и отправлять аудио либо в наушники, либо непосредственно на USB DAC, или в UPnP/DLNA или Chromecast рендерер без ограничения формата и со всеми применяемыми ЦОС эффектами - не пропустите эту уникальную функциональность!
* 32/64-битная обработка звука (высококачественный HD звук).
* Независимые от ОС и платформы декодирование и обработка звука.
* Поддержка Hi-Res звука (Android 4.4+, >= 24-бит, до 768 кГц):
- устройства со встроенным Hi-Res ЦАПом;
- ЦАПы: iBasso DX200, Cayin i5-N5ii, Fiio X5-X7.
* Воспроизведение без искажения битов (Bit-perfect).
* Аудио форматы: MP1, MP2, MP3, OGG (Vorbis), FLAC, OPUS, WMA, WMA Lossless (16 бит), AC3, AAC, M4A, M4B, M4R, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, MOV, ALAC, APE (Monkey's Audio), WV (WavPack), MPC (MusePack), WAV, AU, AIFF, MPG/MPEG (аудио), AVI (аудио), iTunes/Windows Media (не DRM).
* DSD декодирование (требуется быстрый ЦП, минимально DSD64).
* DOP (DSD через PCM), DXD.
* Модульные аудио форматы: MOD, IM, XM, S3M.
* Голосовой аудио формат: SPEEX.
* Плейлисты: CUE, M3U, PLS, ASX, RAM, XSPF, WPL.
* Лирика (.LRC файлы, метаданные).
* Потоковое аудио (интернет радио потоки, Icecast).
* Поддержка больших медиатек.
* Сетевые источники музыки:
- SMB/CIFS cетевое устройство (NAS или ПК, Samba шаринг);
- UPnP/DLNA Медиасервер;
- FTP сервер;
- WebDAV сервер.
* Вывод на Chromecast (до 24-бит, 192 кГц, без огр. формата или ЦОС эффектов).
* Вывод на UPnP/DLNA Медиарендерер (до 24-бит, 768 кГц, без огр. формата или ЦОС эффектов).
* Прямой вывод на USB ЦАП (через USB OTG адаптер, до 32-бит, 768 кГц).
* 32-х битный вывод на Андроид 5.0+ (IEEE 754, опция).
* UPnP/DLNA Медиарендерер сервер (бесшовное, ЦОС эффекты).
* Управление файлами локальной медиатеки устройства через встроенный FTP сервер.
* ЦОС эффекты:
- Параметрический Эквалайзер (4-30 полосный, полностью настраиваемый: тип, частота, Q, громкость);
- Режим Графического Эквалайзера с 21-м пресетом;
- Объёмный Звук (Ambiophonic R.A.C.E.);
- Кросфидер (улучшение восприятия стерео звучания в наушниках);
- Компрессор / Ограничитель (сжатие динамического диапазона);
- Временная Задержка (коррекция временной задержки динамиков);
- Дизеринг (сглаживание эффекта квантования);
- Темп, Высота звука (коррекция скорости воспроизведения и высоты звука).
* Фильтры для защиты динамиков от перегрузки: Инфразвуковой, Ультразвуковой.
* Нормализация по Пикам, RMS (после применения цифровых эффектов).
* Выравнивание Громкости из тегов (Replay Gain).
* Бесшовное Воспроизведение (Gapless, точность до сэмпла).
* Регуляторы аппаратной громкости и предусилителя.
* Кросфейдер.
* Инверсия фазы сигнала.
* Высококачественная опциональная передискретизация (режимы Качество и Аудиофил).
* Aнализаторы спектра и RMS.
* Баланс (L/R).
* Моно режим.
* Режимы воспроизведения: Случайный, Цикл, Одиночный Трек, Последовательный, Очередь.
* Управление плейлистами.
* Группировка медиатеки по группам: альбом, исполнитель, композитор, год, рейтинг, папка.
* Группировка исполнителей по "Исполнитель Альбома".
* Режим работы с папками.
* Режим часов.
* Таймер сна, будильник.
* Оптимизирован для: ARMv7 VFP/NEON, ARMv8 NEON, x86 SSE2.
Android 2.1 and above, Lucky Patcher или Google Play Modded
Група: Користувачі
3Q Q-pad RC0806B
Neutron Music Player v.2.00.0
Что нового:
* New:
- save Preamp gain per EQ preset;
- UI -> Panel: Top -> DSP Effect (Device) option;
- Connection and Controls -> Sound Feedback option;
- show marker on UI list entry with properties;
* Support media buttons on Android 8+.
* Improved:
- USB driver compatibility with Android 8+;
- Hi-res driver compatibility;
- UPnP/DLNA streaming;
- source file system watch;
- screen swiping;
- metadata reading of ACC;
- WebDAV support.
! Fixed:
- Chromecast with Preview firmware;
- ...
Neutron Music Player v.2.00.0
Что нового:
* New:
- save Preamp gain per EQ preset;
- UI -> Panel: Top -> DSP Effect (Device) option;
- Connection and Controls -> Sound Feedback option;
- show marker on UI list entry with properties;
* Support media buttons on Android 8+.
* Improved:
- USB driver compatibility with Android 8+;
- Hi-res driver compatibility;
- UPnP/DLNA streaming;
- source file system watch;
- screen swiping;
- metadata reading of ACC;
- WebDAV support.
! Fixed:
- Chromecast with Preview firmware;
- ...
Група: Користувачі
3Q Q-pad RC0806B
Neutron Music Player v.2.01.0
Что нового:
* New:
- Playback mode - Play Track Once (Next): play track once, stop playback and switch to the next;
- Wake Timer parameter - Duration: to set the duration of the signal or track playback when wake timer activated;
- Android 9 (P) hi-res output support;
- Support native DSD on Fiio DAPs (X5, X7, ...);
- Generic Driver option - Hi-Res Bluetooth A2DP (off by default).
* Improved:
- Hi-Res driver compatibility;
- WebDAV compatibility (could not list contents of some Apache hosted web servers);
- Widget compatibility with all OS versions;
- Handling Bluetooth A2DP device connection events.
- Show EQ preset's preamp gain in preset edit dialog.
- Set parameter Fade On Stop max value to 10 seconds.
- Show NETWORK - ? message when UPnP and Chromecast local network is not available.
* Fixed:
- Output to Bluetooth A2DP on iBasso DX200, Cayin DAPs.
- Favour first metadata tag in case of duplicates;
- Limit media buttons sound signal to only hw media buttons;
- Fixed logic corruption when non current multi-channel EQ preset is edited and confirmed while current is different one (or non-multichannel);
- Deadlock when UPnP Output To is active and network connection is switched off (now will block up to max 30 seconds);
- Prevent playback start when UPnP/Chromecast device is detected with auto-connection active while phone state is active;
- DSD mode could be used for PCM playback resulting in noise;
- Shuffle history is incorrect if track list entry is manually selected for playback;
- Tracks from external SD added to a playlist loosing normalization, rating info.
Neutron Music Player v.2.01.0
Что нового:
* New:
- Playback mode - Play Track Once (Next): play track once, stop playback and switch to the next;
- Wake Timer parameter - Duration: to set the duration of the signal or track playback when wake timer activated;
- Android 9 (P) hi-res output support;
- Support native DSD on Fiio DAPs (X5, X7, ...);
- Generic Driver option - Hi-Res Bluetooth A2DP (off by default).
* Improved:
- Hi-Res driver compatibility;
- WebDAV compatibility (could not list contents of some Apache hosted web servers);
- Widget compatibility with all OS versions;
- Handling Bluetooth A2DP device connection events.
- Show EQ preset's preamp gain in preset edit dialog.
- Set parameter Fade On Stop max value to 10 seconds.
- Show NETWORK - ? message when UPnP and Chromecast local network is not available.
* Fixed:
- Output to Bluetooth A2DP on iBasso DX200, Cayin DAPs.
- Favour first metadata tag in case of duplicates;
- Limit media buttons sound signal to only hw media buttons;
- Fixed logic corruption when non current multi-channel EQ preset is edited and confirmed while current is different one (or non-multichannel);
- Deadlock when UPnP Output To is active and network connection is switched off (now will block up to max 30 seconds);
- Prevent playback start when UPnP/Chromecast device is detected with auto-connection active while phone state is active;
- DSD mode could be used for PCM playback resulting in noise;
- Shuffle history is incorrect if track list entry is manually selected for playback;
- Tracks from external SD added to a playlist loosing normalization, rating info.
Група: Користувачі
3Q Q-pad RC0806B
Neutron Music Player v.2.02.0
Что нового:
* New:
- Support DST compressed DSD;
- Option UI;
- Appearance -> Themes: to select dark, grey, light color theme;
- Playing Now -> Colorized Background;
- Haptic Feedback -> Duration;
- More Appearance options;
- More Appearance -> Widget options;
- Connection and Controls -> Sound Signal -> Gain option;
- Top-panel option Remove.
* Improved:
- DSD to PCM decoding;
- Group switching;
- Hi-res output on Android 8+;
- iBasso DX150 DAP support;
- Shuffle history.
Neutron Music Player v.2.02.0
Что нового:
* New:
- Support DST compressed DSD;
- Option UI;
- Appearance -> Themes: to select dark, grey, light color theme;
- Playing Now -> Colorized Background;
- Haptic Feedback -> Duration;
- More Appearance options;
- More Appearance -> Widget options;
- Connection and Controls -> Sound Signal -> Gain option;
- Top-panel option Remove.
* Improved:
- DSD to PCM decoding;
- Group switching;
- Hi-res output on Android 8+;
- iBasso DX150 DAP support;
- Shuffle history.
Група: Користувачі
3Q Q-pad RC0806B
Neutron Music Player v.2.02.3
Что нового:
* Improved stability.
* Set Connection and Controls -> Sound Feedback option min limit to 0.01.
* Improved iBasso DX150 DAP support.
- Direct USB Driver compatibility (regression since 2.02.0);
- Media library UI path not restored if orientation chaged or UI re-entered;
- Random album art shown for album-less tracks (-/-);
- Crash (low memory) on attempt to load large BMP as album art.
Neutron Music Player v.2.02.3
Что нового:
* Improved stability.
* Set Connection and Controls -> Sound Feedback option min limit to 0.01.
* Improved iBasso DX150 DAP support.
- Direct USB Driver compatibility (regression since 2.02.0);
- Media library UI path not restored if orientation chaged or UI re-entered;
- Random album art shown for album-less tracks (-/-);
- Crash (low memory) on attempt to load large BMP as album art.
Група: Користувачі
3Q Q-pad RC0806B
Neutron Music Player v.2.04.0
Что нового:
Reverted to non-persistent notification behavior on < Android 8.
- Reset Service option to be OFF by default on Android 5+ (Android 8 users - to have persistent notification switch on Service option).
- Show track nr and count in notification on Android 8+.
- New option:
- Folders -> Setup -> Filename: to replace metadata with a filename in the track list;
- Audio Hardware -> DSD, DSD over PCM -> Volume Control: to allow volume control for DACs which support volume changes of DSD stream.
- Ability to edit network endpoint properties from the endpoint window.
- Lock Preamp if EQ preset is locked and EQ is ON.
- Android: PayPro version is re-targeted back to Android 5.1 for better compatibility (uninstall and then install this version if you have 2.03 installed!).
! Fixed:
- crash on large BMP load;
- crash on specific SMB folder access;
- widget buttons not working on Android 8+ when process closed;
- avoid turning on the screen when UI created;
- track Position editing;
- crash in USB driver with specific DACs;
- missing comments from M4A files.
Neutron Music Player v.2.04.0
Что нового:
Reverted to non-persistent notification behavior on < Android 8.
- Reset Service option to be OFF by default on Android 5+ (Android 8 users - to have persistent notification switch on Service option).
- Show track nr and count in notification on Android 8+.
- New option:
- Folders -> Setup -> Filename: to replace metadata with a filename in the track list;
- Audio Hardware -> DSD, DSD over PCM -> Volume Control: to allow volume control for DACs which support volume changes of DSD stream.
- Ability to edit network endpoint properties from the endpoint window.
- Lock Preamp if EQ preset is locked and EQ is ON.
- Android: PayPro version is re-targeted back to Android 5.1 for better compatibility (uninstall and then install this version if you have 2.03 installed!).
! Fixed:
- crash on large BMP load;
- crash on specific SMB folder access;
- widget buttons not working on Android 8+ when process closed;
- avoid turning on the screen when UI created;
- track Position editing;
- crash in USB driver with specific DACs;
- missing comments from M4A files.
Група: Користувачі
3Q Q-pad RC0806B
Neutron Music Player v.2.06.0
Что нового:
- Playlists -> Recently Played (can be optional);
- Per channel Phase Inversion;
- COMMENT tag of Vorbis (OGG, FLAC).
- Hi-Res driver;
- UPnP/DLNA core performance;
- Normalization handling.
- USB driver for UAC1 DACs;
- Crash during scanning;
- Unexpected forced source update;
- Spontaneous playback start;
- Mono output not working on some firmwares;
- Endless Normalization of some MP3s;
- Recently Added after Scan;
- Hi-Res output for Samsung S7/S8, Asus.
Neutron Music Player v.2.06.0
Что нового:
- Playlists -> Recently Played (can be optional);
- Per channel Phase Inversion;
- COMMENT tag of Vorbis (OGG, FLAC).
- Hi-Res driver;
- UPnP/DLNA core performance;
- Normalization handling.
- USB driver for UAC1 DACs;
- Crash during scanning;
- Unexpected forced source update;
- Spontaneous playback start;
- Mono output not working on some firmwares;
- Endless Normalization of some MP3s;
- Recently Added after Scan;
- Hi-Res output for Samsung S7/S8, Asus.
Група: Користувачі
3Q Q-pad RC0806B
Neutron Music Player v.2.08.1
Что нового:
* New:
- Audio Hardware -> Oversampling option: to oversample tracks by 2,4,8,16 ratio.
* Improved:
- Spectrum Log scale: flat for pink noise to show low and high bands with equal power;
- Respect UI -> Playing Now -> Playback Timer setting in widgets;
- Pitch/Tempo DSP;
- Stability and performance.
* Fixed:
- USB driver for UAC2 adaptive DAC's;
- SMB/UPNP source could become active if local network is off;
- Playback could continue if trying to stop almost finished track.
Neutron Music Player v.2.08.1
Что нового:
* New:
- Audio Hardware -> Oversampling option: to oversample tracks by 2,4,8,16 ratio.
* Improved:
- Spectrum Log scale: flat for pink noise to show low and high bands with equal power;
- Respect UI -> Playing Now -> Playback Timer setting in widgets;
- Pitch/Tempo DSP;
- Stability and performance.
* Fixed:
- USB driver for UAC2 adaptive DAC's;
- SMB/UPNP source could become active if local network is off;
- Playback could continue if trying to stop almost finished track.