Лого Caught


22 березня 2016 |  DROIDOFF


Caught - игра работает на Unreal Engine 4. Играем против мобов и стараемся набрать определенное количество очков, не попадаясь противнику в руки. В игре пока только одна карта.

In CAUGHT you have to collect a certain amount of points while trying to avoid getting caught. If you get caught, you can not collect points until you've caught another player.
Your goal is to be the first to reach the point limit proposed in the map.

CAUGHT is currently in development and during this period those who buy the game will do it for half price. This beneficial both buyer and us, helping us to get the final product quality to which we aspire.

CAUGHT uses the Unreal Engine 4 powered by Epic Games.
Unreal Engine 4 uses the latest graphics technology and phones requires at least midrange to run correctly.
Even so, we have introduced quality settings for less powerful devices can enjoy the game in exchange for sacrificing some visual quality.

Шлях для кешу:

Android 2.3 і вище

Ваша оцінка: Жодного Середня: 5 (1 голос)

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